Speyburn Whisky
Speyburn Whisky Distillery was founded in 1897 by John Hopkins. While hunting for the perfect spot for his distillery, Hopkins discovered the Granty Burn - an untouched stream hidden in a secluded Speyside valley. He knew that the exceptionally pure water of this burn would produce a remarkable whisky with a naturally refreshing character. Hopkins trusted his intuition and built the Speyburn distillery right there in the glen, using authentic river stones from the bed of the fast-flowing River Spey itself. Hopkins was determined that whisky would be produced to mark the Jubilee Year of Queen Victoria. Workers in heavy overcoats toiled through a blizzard on the night of the last day of the year to ensure that one single barrel of 1897 vintage Speyburn Whisky was made. In spite of several ownership changes, the Speyburn Whisky Distillery remains much the same as it was 100 years ago. Many of the original features are still intact, and indeed are still being used.Showing 1 to 4 of 4 (1 Pages)